So wonderfully toned in all shades of blue and embraced in a silver sheen. Plums - fruits that thrive on just about every continent except Antarctica.
They are delicious fresh, dried in a jam, or as an accompaniment to meat dishes or compote. Full of everything, they remain one of our favorite fruit snacks.
Plums contain:
- almost all B vitamins (maintain healthy skin, strengthen the immune and nervous systems),
- vitamin C,
- potassium (crucial for the normal functioning of all cells),
- calcium (a building block of teeth and bones),
- magnesium (for muscle function, including the heart),
- iron (an essential component of blood) and also
high in fiber (for healthy digestion).
They help with constipation and digestive problems and protect
the heart. 100 g of plums contain as much as 157 mg of potassium. Potassium helps manage high blood pressure and also reduces the risk of stroke.
They protect against cancer because of a rich source of antioxidants that protect our body from harmful oxidants.
They also reduce the risk of diabetes. Plums have a low glycemic index, which means they do not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar.
They take care of healthy bones. A study conducted at the University of Florida compared a group of individuals who ate prunes with a group who ate dried apples, and both groups also took calcium and vitamin D supplements. The first group had a significantly higher bone mineral density.
They alleviate memory problems with aging and Alzheimer's disease due to the content of many antioxidants, and they help with weight loss. Plums are sweet, but they also have low energy value and are therefore included in various weight loss programs.
For better blood - fresh plums and prunes help increase iron absorption, most likely due to their high vitamin C content.
They lower the level of bad cholesterol and increase the value of the good one, especially prunes.
In China, they symbolize happiness in life.
We use plum kernel oil in our MIDNIGHT BEAUTY. The rich content of omega-9 makes it particularly suitable for mature, dry, and sensitive skin, where it provides softness, suppleness, and contributes to a healthy, radiant glow.
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