Motherhood is a life changing experience. Suddenly, every aspect of your life has changed and taking care of yourself and a new baby can seem like a huge and sometimes impossible task. Having a baby also brings very specific challenges for your health and skin, such as sleepless nights and big hormonal changes which can make life feel like a rollercoaster.
We have put together some of our top self-care tips for new mothers:
Change your routine to suit your new life – The early months of having a baby are without a doubt the most intensive. Having an hour or two before bed to shower and take care of your skin may well be a thing of the past, but that doesn't mean you should abandon your skincare routine completely. Look at what times of day are easier for you to slot in some time for self-care, can you pop baby in a sling or bouncy chair whilst you get ready in the mornings? Keeping a simple but effective routine will have benefits both mentally and physically. Many mums find that babies can have a fussy period in the evenings, so finding a moment to cleanse and moisturise your skin before that fussy period starts will make things less stressful for you.
Head outside for some fresh air – Something that was once so simple, like heading outside becomes a huge challenge with a new baby. Many new mums say they struggle to be on time for anything. Although it can be challenging, after those initial first few weeks, there are lots of benefits to heading outside daily, even if it just for a short period of time. For baby, fresh air can help to settle them if they are fussy and as they grow older being out in daylight helps them to learn the important difference between day and night time. Mums will also benefit from extra endorphins from the gentle exercise and much needed change of scene.
Nourish and hydrate – We all know that nutrition and hydration is a key aspect of wellbeing, but this becomes even more important in the early days of motherhood for both physical and mental health. Make sure you fill up a water bottle and carry it around with you, that way you will have access to it when you are feeding baby or if baby falls asleep in your arms. It is also a good idea to put together a selection of snacks at the beginning of the day, that way you have access to healthy foods and will be less likely to reach for treats on a regular basis. Before baby arrives one of the best things you can do to prepare, is stock up the freezer with healthy meals, you can then grab them when needed and won't have to worry about cooking every day.
Ask for support – Don't be afraid to accept or ask for help when you need it. If you are a mum that is breastfeeding, ask people to help you by organising meals or helping around the home. Allow family members to take baby for a walk so you can care for yourself or rest. Surrounding yourself with as much help and support as possible will really help in those early months and beyond. Many mums find sharing their experiences with other people going through the same things helpful, whether that is in person or online and through social media.
Grab it when you can (sleep) – Having a newborn will mean you will get less sleep and is without a doubt one of the hardest things about parenting. However, making the most of the sleep you do get can undoubtedly make the experience easier. Make sure you set the atmosphere for rest at nights, keep the lights low for night time feeds and changes can minimise disruption. Massaging your skin before bed with our Midnight Rich Revitalising Serum will help you relax, thanks to the beautiful aroma of rose and you will wake up with fresher looking skin.
Mothers do an amazing job and self-care is so important at this special time.
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