In this interview for the Woman2Woman campaign we talk to Marion Crampe. She is to pole like Maria Callas is to opera. One of a kind. Some people have talent, some work hard, some have both but only a true artist is born with it. With the power to make everything look easy and impressive comes the power to inspire people.
Who are you today, and what is different than ten years ago?
I'm a woman in constant evolution. I understand better, listen more, make choices that make me go ahead and be more in harmony with my beliefs. I'm also more conscious of the fact that nothing is granted, so we have to embrace each day with all that comes with it, the pleasant and the discomfort. I accept the fact that this "all" creates the balance.
What are your guilty pleasures?
As part of my "evolution", I do make it a thing to reflect on my experience also through the words I use.
As an example, "guilty" is one word I avoid, as well as stress, anxiety, busy... I notice it has a significant impact on my journey and my people.
I do have pleasures that I allow myself occasionally in order to keep them as desires but not habits.
I love to enjoy a good wine with a cigarette, with friends or even alone (why not), especially after a long day and without any particular excuse.

How well do you know your darker side? In what relationship are you with it?
I know it like everything else. The dark side evolved with us too, right?! The dark side might be dark because it is a wild part that is hard to know that well. I have had that period when I was younger when you think you are the master of your darkness. With years, I understood that that wasn't exactly the case. Because of it, I am here where I am and how I am.
I feel nowadays that I received the dark side and tried my best to understand it, to look forward (it is not easy as it sounds). My rituals are a sturdy base that helps me in rough times. Others also help a lot. I realize more by merely observing and paying keen attention to the ones around me, and their story, and it guides me through my own.
Whom do you let in your home?
I have been finding "home" all around the world and all the time for almost nine years due to my career. A lot of people welcomed me in their homes. For four years now, I have a home with my amazing husband (fun fact: we met on Tinder), we call it our nest. I would make this comparison with the people who sign up to take part in my workshops around the world. I think we all attract a certain kind of soul. The ones who resonate with my frequency always find open doors. I firmly believe that your energy introduces you and invites people to you.
Let's be honest, wrong situations happen — the wrong people at the wrong time. Then you learn and adapt.
And whom do you let close to you?
I trust my intuition. It is a wise guide.
Where or what is your happy place? How do you find peace?
I don't have any specific criteria. If I feel people and the environment don't resonate with me, I do my best to change the situation. In other terms, I do go for the work I choose to do. At each trip, workshop, performance, and meeting, I make sure I book what will feed my soul and be true to myself. It is incredible, all the fantastic people and places I get to discover. I find peace in my rituals. I like to think my discipline is the base of my freedom, not the opposite. Yet I leave space for the unknown. I meditate daily. I have guided meditation sometimes, and sometimes I meditate on my own. One of my happy places is while flying around the pole, and my hair is hanging. I crave those things. I'm going through a beautiful journey. Especially nowadays, I'm moving more in harmony with my feelings. Not to prove anything, but challenging myself. I am a seeker.
How important is a connection with nature for you?
It is vital. I go out often for a run, and often I look at the trees, and I cry. My dad (a forest ranger) has educated and raised us in a deep connection with nature. He is a passionate wild soul and loves everything related to the outside world. We hiked, slept in the wild, and ate what we found. And today, I'm traveling the world and I'm able to witness the beauty of so many places. Yes, I cry often.
How do you take care of your body, mind, and soul?
There are several things I do; the way I eat, breath, drink, dance, run, love, wake up, enjoy small things, kiss my husband, cry, learn. It takes all this.
How do you take care of your skin?
My mum was teaching me in my youth how to moisturize my skin. I use night oil all over my body every night. I use organic rosewater after cleaning my face (morning and night) before applying face oil. As for the entire body and mind, I care about the quality of my food. It is my more prominent source of expenses. I wish to eat good food, and it is my priority. Meditation teaches me how to soften my facial muscles. Often during the day, I relax my face as well the rest of my body. It is so impressive how tense we are most of our time for no specific reason.
Which is your daily, monthly, or weekly ritual?
I wake up every day and greet my husband. We enjoy delicious coffee, it’s smell and taste. And after this, I pick up my phone, check emails and go about our day. I schedule my meditation before coffee time, but sometimes it changes depending on my traveling.
I spend the right amount of time brushing my hair (especially now I’m hair hanging). I love the feeling. When I apply the cream on my face, I do a facial massage.
I write a diary. A friend inspired me to do this. She has notebooks from years ago with few words after each day. It is so lovely to get back into the year before and read what you were doing and your feelings that day. I love this ritual.
I call my little niece Mila and my friends every week. I have at least one day free of training and work. Each Friday, I open the windows of my home or place I'm in and do an energy cleansing using Palo Santo and some personal mantras. I get a massage wherever I am in the world.
Which piece of wisdom from your grandparents or parents do you carry with you?
Oh, Lord. I read this question and I have chills. Thinking; what a wonderful reminder, bless you.
They taught me about the sense of community; their home was always crowded, full of people; It was about sharing and sometimes oversharing of food, feelings, love, struggles. They dedicated their journey not only to their children and grandchildren but everyone around them. And it lasted until their last breath... (tears)
Which wisdom will you deliver to others?
I believe people are having a different experience and receive the same messages in their very own way. I'm grateful to be able to share my experiences, but what and how others perceive them is not in my hands. However, I can speak about my journey and beliefs.
Woman to Woman. What advice would you give to your 15-year-old self?
You know, I think I will be quiet. I will sit there in the corner and observe. With a soft smile on my face, "I know it is not very easy at the moment, but you will be alright. You are loved, and you are worth it".
Name your 5 favorite books?
L'âme du Monde Frederic Lenoir
The witch of Portobello Paulo Coelho
The 4 agreements Miguel Ruiz
the Voice of Earth Bernard Weber
The Parfum Patrick Suskind
Photo Credit: Katarzyna Milewska
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