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A few words from the founder


I decided to tell you a bit about myself. Behind Flower and Spice there is no big machinery, no corporate structure or fancy headquarters. It's all me. I do have some distribution and IT help, so I can grow my business and do what I love the most. Which is creating new products, hanging out on social media with all of you and dance whenever I get an order. Yes, I actually do that.

Love took me to The Netherlands 3,5 years ago, to a small town. No, not just to a small town, but to suburbia of this small town. Since I have spent most of my life in the capital of Slovenia, in Ljubljana, this was quite a shock for me. In my home country, I had a very active job, I was working in a marketing agency where there was always something going on, and on the weekends I enjoyed my time with my friends and family. Here, my partner was at work most of the time during the week, so I was alone. No friends, no family. Lots of time!

Since I didn’t know the language, finding a decent job was almost impossible. So I started to build this. I gave it a thought and decided to learn how to formulate. It took me nearly 3 years to put everything together, but I managed. I took a lot of science courses and business training. I wish I were so good at studying in my college days. Persistence has paid off, and I managed to put Flower and Spice on the market.

What I wanted to say is that all that you see, all the posts, customer support, emails, it all comes from me. Because I like it, I enjoy every single minute of it. I can’t say that this will stay like this forever, but I will forever be the person you can reach out to if you have any questions. Now, almost four months in (I have launched my brand on 18th of June 2018) I can say that I am very honored that a lot of you gave me a chance and bought my products. And that you are coming back for more. Sometimes my eyes tear up a bit when I get a nice review. I am very emotional, and I take every feedback very personal.

I am now in a phase of creating some new products, and I will grow and improve every day. You know why? Because I love my job!

Thank you for being a part of my community. It means a lot!

Karmen Novak, founder of Flower and Spice